From the Origins of Surfboards to Modern Alaia
Ever heard of the Alaia? Today, we’re taking you on a time-traveling journey, from ancient civilizations to the cutting-edge innovations of Australian shapers Tom and Jon Wegener.
The Timeless Allure of the Alaia
The Alaia is a surfboard with roots that stretch back to ancient civilizations like the pre-Incan and Hawaiian cultures. Yep, you read that right: this board was making waves long before modern surfboards came onto the scene. But what led to its decline? Simple—the rise of technology and the introduction of fins made the Alaia less popular.
A Modern Renaissance: Tom and Jon Wegener
In 2006, Tom and Jon Wegener gave the Alaia a whole new life. They introduced Paulownia wood, which is lighter and more durable than the traditional Koa wood. They also added parabolic rails and channels, significantly improving the board’s maneuverability.
A Multimedia Celebration: ‘The Present’
The Alaia’s comeback was celebrated in 2009 when filmmaker Thomas Campbell released the documentary “The Present.” This film brought the Alaia back into the limelight, earning Wegener the title of “Shaper of the Year” by Surfer magazine.
Ready to Try an Alaia?
Don’t miss your chance to dive into this fascinating slice of surf history. Check out our selection of boards and make sure to grab one of our Alaia models!
Our Brand Values
We’re committed to sustainability and preserving surf traditions. Our boards are made from eco-friendly materials, with a deep respect for surf culture.
The history of surfing is all about evolution, revolution, and returning to the roots. The Alaia is living proof of that. It’s not just a board; it’s a piece of culture that deserves to be experienced. Discover 3 GREAT REASONS TO RIDE THE WAVES WITH AN ALAIA BOARD.